Current Basket
Your shopping basket can be accessed at any time by clicking on the basket link at the top of the page (the link shows the basket #, total number of items in the basket, and the total cost).
The shopping basket will show you the number of compounds inside your basket and the amounts that you selected. Your basket will be saved automatically for up to 6 months.
All unavailable compounds are marked as “Unavailable”. If a compound is currently unavailable, you can try to select a different mg amount of the compound.
If you have accidentally selected two compounds with identical ID numbers, you will be alerted to this potential error. All identical ID numbers are marked as “Duplicate”.
Proceed to Order
To place your order, please click on the Order button at the bottom.
Apply Changes
You can:
- Change the quantity and/or amount of any compound in the basket by making the change and clicking the “Update” button.
- Remove unwanted compounds by clicking the “Remove” button.
Save basket as list or as SD file
At the top of the My Basket page, you will see this phrase: “Save basket as list or SDF or MS Excel”. To save the basket as one of these files, simply click on the appropriate link and then save the file to your computer.