Screening Compounds®, a division of ChemBridge Corporation, offers unmatched availability of the most comprehensive collection of drug-like chemical entities through its proprietary e-commerce portal. With over 1,000,000 compounds in stock,® offers convenient access to ChemBridge's screening compounds. With the growing number of targets, screens, and screening compounds, hit follow-up has become a critical bottleneck of modern drug discovery.® is geared to address this bottleneck with the best Internet-accessible chemical tools available.® supports compound queries based on chemical structure and other molecular parameters relevant in discovery research with one of the fastest and most user-friendly search engines.
All compounds meet the high quality standard of 100% identification by NMR and/or LC-MS and have the following purity levels:
- EXPRESS-Pick™ (7-digit ID’s): Minimum purity of 90% and identity confirmed using 1H-NMR and/or LC-MS/ELSD
- CORE Library (8-digit ID’s): Minimum purity of 85% and identity confirmed using LC-MS/ELSD
The security for this site is provided by VeriSignTM Commerce Site Services and enables visitors to verify our site's authenticity and to communicate with it securely via state-of-the-art SSL encryption, which protects confidential information from interception. Structure searches can safely and easily be performed by using one of several available drawing tools. The default tool is JavaScript-based Ketcher. An alternate JavaScript tool, Elemental, is also available. Lastly, two different Java drawing tools, Marvin and JDraw, are available as alternatives.
Compounds with 7-digit IDs belong to ChemBridge’s EXPRESS-Pick compound collection. Most are supplied as dry powders, with some possible oils/liquids.
Compounds with 8-digit IDs belong to ChemBridge’s CORE Library collection and are supplied as dry films.
For more information on these two compound collections, please see